

Step1: Complete last stroke into turn, both hands finish at the hips.
Step2: Drop the head, roll into a tuck position and dolphin kick to lift the hips.
點頭收下巴, 讓身形進入一個捲曲的狀態, 蝶一下腰抬高臀部.
Step3: Stay in a tuck position as the legs rotate out of the water.
當雙腿因滾動出水面時, 身形仍停留在捲曲的狀態.
Step4: The feet hit the wall and the hands stay together.
雙腳蹬牆, 雙手要併合在一起.
Step5: Push off in a streamlined position with the body on its side.
側身蹬牆出發後, 身體要保持在側面的流線形體位.
Step6: short glide off the wall as the body rotates to the front.