

這個星期為了比賽,中午大太陽下,都到外池去練習。我這見光黑的皮膚,那堪這般曝曬。男人當然越咖啡越健康越吸引女人;女人卻是越咖啡就越醜了! 況且,又有年紀了。
會去外池,還是清芬那句話:『要練蛙鞋打水。』 在室內池不能踢蛙鞋。而這幾日用蛙鞋練仰踢就覺得進步很多,真的很多,所以就不太拾得放棄。

比賽或訓練一流的泳技未必一定要游外池,要練蛙腳就等日落西山,月出東山時再來練好了,有年紀了,沒本錢了,經不起正午大太陽的摧殘,對自己的身體好一點罷 ! 可是要用一輩子ㄉ。


How Sunburns Work追根究底談曬傷

Enjoy the sun this summer by Marshall Brain / (c) 2007, How Stuff Works Inc

Now that we are getting into the thick of summertime activities, sunburn is something that you have to think about. How is it that light can cause such intense pain?
Getting sunburn 曬傷了!
The easiest way to get sunburn is to stay inside for a month or two and then spend a day outside. When you go out in the sun, ultraviolet light penetrates into living skin cells, and it starts damaging and killing those cells.
The repair process starts when damaged cells release chemicals. The first thing the chemicals do is set off pain signals in your skin’s pain sensors. Those same chemicals also tell your body to send in white blood cells to eat all the damaged and dead cells. Your body dilates all the capillaries in the damaged area to increase blood flow. Sunburned skin turns red and hot because of all of those dilated capillaries bringing in the white blood cells. And your skin stings because every pain sensor in your sunburned skin is sounding the, “Hey, there is damage here!” alarm. 當受損的細胞釋放化學物質,修復的過程開始。最開始的時候,化學物質會對你皮膚的痛感應器官引發疼痛信號。這些相同的化學物質,也會告訴你的身體把白血球送過來,吃掉那些受損或死亡的細胞。你的身體會膨脹曬傷區域的所有微血管,增加血流順暢。曬傷的皮膚變紅、變熱,因為所有這些擴張的微血管流入了白血球,而且你的皮膚刺痛,因為你曬傷的皮膚的每個痛感應器都發出了『嘿!我這受傷了。』的信號。
Avoiding sunburn 避免曬傷
There are three ways you can avoid sunburn. One is to stay inside or cover all your skin with clothing. The second way is to use a sunscreen.
Sunscreen contains chemicals that absorb ultraviolet light. The third way is to go out in the sun a little bit each day and get a tan. The tan will protect your skin from sunburn.

More about tans 更多關於古酮色
Here’s how a tan works. If you look at a cross section of your skin, you have the outer layer called the stratum corneum.
This layer contains the dead skin cells that you actually see covering your body. Below the stratum corneum is the granular layer, and below that is the basal layer. Tanning happens in the basal layer, which contains special cells called melanocytes. When a melanocyte detects ultraviolet light, it creates a brown pigment called melanin. Melanin, like sunscreen, absorbs ultraviolet light and protects your skin from damage. If people spent all their time outdoors, their skin would naturally tan and “untan” with the seasons. You would never get a sunburn.
More INFO更多資訊
Your skin is one of the most amazing organs in your body. The skin of a typical adult weighs about 3.5kilograms and covers about 1.8 square meters. Skin is loaded with sensors, blood vessels, sweat glands, hair follicles and muscles (one tiny muscle for each hair) and it has a very tough design so that it can handle things like abrasion and sunlight.
你的皮膚是你身體上最另人驚訝的器官之一。一個典型成人的皮膚,總重約3.5公斤。覆蓋的面績是1.8平方公尺。皮膚內有感應器、血管、汗腺、毛曩和肌肉(每根頭髮包有一小單位的肌肉) 。而且它也是非常強韌的設計,它可以應付擦傷和陽光。

Small Changes Equal Big Results 小改變大成果

You can make positive changes in just a few minutes a day by Pamela Osment
We form bad habits without trying. But we can purposefully develop good habits in just 15 minutes a day.

Become a lifelong learner
Each month, choose one new subject to learn about. Spend 15 minutes a day reading about it on the Internet or in books and magazines. You may discover that 15 minutes isn’t long enough to satisfy your interest. Before long, you’ll be an expert on the subject!
Become neater
Has the clutter in your home become overwhelming?
Do you have trouble finding something when you need it?
Take 15 minutes each day to deal with one pile of papers on your desk. Or use that short time to put away your clothes or to clean out the refrigerator. After just one month, you’ll be amazed at the new order in your life!
Become healthier
You may think you have no time for exercise. But just 15minutes a day of exercise can bring huge health benefits. You’ll strengthen your heart, bones and mind, and you’ll improve your attitude.
Making positive changes is possible. Before you know it, your slow and steady changes will become lifelong habits!

Did you know…
Bad habits die hard, so the best time to correct a bad habit is before it becomes a regular part of your everyday life. Good habits are often hard to develop. The goal is to make it a behavior or practice that is so fixed in your mind that you do it without thinking. Some experts say it takes about 20 days before a good habit becomes second nature.


Stroke Tips & Drills ~2(中譯)

Hand Skills 划手的技巧
Experts say that after kicking, hand entry is the most critical aspect of a swimmer’s forward propulsion. When swimmers’ hands enter the water, they direct a flow of water under their arms and past their torsos. This “ lift, “ combined with a strong kick, is what enables good swimmers to stay on top of the water.
As your hand enters the water during the initial (catch) phase of your stroke, you’ll want to keep your elbow high and your palm turned slightly outward. Slide your hand forward, as if putting it into a coat sleeve. Then turn your hand and the inside of your forearm toward your feet, point your fingertips down (or slightly across your body) and press your hand straight back. As you bring your hand past the center of your torso, your thumb should pass directly under your navel.
當你的手要進入水中,在划手初期你要保持高肘,你的手掌稍微外翻,然後將你的手向前滑動,就好像要將手穿進外套的袖子。然後把手掌帶向前臂內側朝向腿的方向,注意你的指尖向下(稍微穿過你的身體) ,而且用力筆直向後推水。當你的手掌通過你身體的中線時,你的拇指應該直接從你肚臍的下方通過。
TIP: years ago, you may have been taught to cup your hands while swimming, but your hands really shouldn’t hold water like cups do. Instead, they should work more like paddles. The most effective position for your hands is flat and open, with your fingers extended. Remember that the angle of your hand must adjust constantly to changes in the water, just as a sailor must constantly adjust the angle of his sail to changes in wind conditions.
要訣:幾年以前,可能有人會這麼教你:當你游泳時,你的手心內凹,手掌要像杯子一樣可以掬水(把水舀起來) 。但是手掌其實不應該像個杯子一樣的掬水(捧水),手掌的功用應該更像槳一樣。最有功效的狀態是:手指打直,手掌打開攤平。你的手掌在水中的角度必須時常做調整,就如水手必須經常依風向的改變,去調整改變船帆一樣。
By constantly changing the angle of your hands (sculling) you can maximize the amount of water you’re able to hold and displace during your stroke. The more you can hold and displace, the more powerful your stroke will be.
Tennis Ball Drill 網球訓練
Swimming with your fists closed, or while holding a tennis ball in each hand, will help you develop sensitivity to the water when you re-open your hands (or swim without the tennis balls). Without the use of your fingers, you lose sensitivity to the water, not to mention a good deal of your pulling surface. To compensate for the relative lack of surface area, you raise your elbows, hoping to create propulsion with your forearms rather than your hands. When you re-open your hands, you’ll feel as though you’ve got trash can lids attached. Your pulling surface and power will be that much greater!
Breathing Skills 呼吸技巧
Many sports make you breathe heavily, but when you’re in the water, proper breathing is essential. When your breathing technique is off, your whole stroke will be affected. Experts say 60 to 70 percent of a swimmer’s improper body alignment stems from improper head movement when breathing.
Confident swimmers turn their heads just far enough to get their noses and mouths above the water line for air. But novice swimmers, out of fear and inexperience, feel they must turn their entire bodies – head, shoulders, hips and back – just to get air into their noses and mouths. This takes you out of your optimal streamlined position and wastes valuable time and energy.
有自信的泳者換氣,他們轉動頭部時口鼻剛好在水線上(空氣和水的交接線) 。但是初級泳者,除了害怕外也經驗不足,覺得他們必須轉動全身(包括頭、肩、臀部和背)才能藉由口鼻吸到空氣。這讓你無法保持理想的流線型體位,因而浪費寶貴的時間和能量。
Tip to control your head movement in the water, try to maintain an imaginary straight line that runs from the top of your head to the base of your spine. Never lift or drop your head from that axis, even when you turn your head to breathe.
要訣: 控制你的頭部在水中的轉動,試著維持一個假想直線軸,這頭直線軸以你的脊柱為基礎,貫穿你的頭頂。你的頭絕對不要抬高也不要低於這條中軸,即使當你轉頭換氣時也要維持在中軸上。