

Butterfly 蝶泳
The Stroke
Like a snappy flip turn, a well-done butterfly stroke is something that will turn heads at your pool. It’s the perfect blend of power and grace, the sign of a confident – and highly fit – swimmer. Unlike the alternating motion of the freestyle or backstroke, butterfly requires both arms to move simultaneously overhead, which requires great stamina and flexibility.
A butterflier’s classic double-arm recovery motion is set up by the kick, however, not the arms. The kick, sometimes called the “dolphin kick,” is what gets your body into a high, comfortable position in the water so you can propel yourself down the pool without causing immediate fatigue.
As with the other swim strokes, the butterfly follows the standard catch-pull-recovery sequence. Now that you’re bit more familiar with it, we’ll take a closer look at body position, arm motion, leg and hip motion, breathing, and then some tips on putting it all together.
Body Position 身體體位
As with the breaststroke, you do the butterfly in a streamlined prone position with your arms and legs extended at the beginning of your stroke cycle. Your head should be forward with the water at eyebrow level. Your hips and shoulders should be high above the water and parallel to its surface.
Arm Motion手臂動作
Your arms should move in tandem, with each one sculling underwater in an S-shaped pattern. As with other swim strokes, you’ll want to keep your elbows higher than your hands for maximum leverage. But since your body doesn’t rotate as in freestyle or backstroke, your under water pull in the butterfly is shallower, and your overwater recovery is wider and lower.
你的手臂應該像雙輪車軸一樣的滾動,手臂在水中做S型的圖案的划水。就像其它式的划水一樣,為了最大的槓桿效率,你要保持手肘高於手掌。但是因為你的身體不像自由式和仰式一樣的滾動,所以蝶式在水中的推水較淺,而出水的復原動作較寬和較低(沈) 。
The butterfly arm motion can be broken into four stages: the catch, the pull (phase 1 and phase 2), and the recovery.
The catch 抓水
Your hands should enter the water together, shoulder-width apart. Your elbows should be up and your thumbs should be down, as in freestyle. Slide your hands forward, then outward and downward at a 30- to 45-degree angle from the water’s surface. Position your hands about four to eight inches below the water’s surface to get a good hold on the water. Because of the timing of your kick, you’ll only have a brief window of opportunity to execute your catch.
你的雙手應該分開約『肩膀的寬度』且同時進入水中,你的肘在上,手拇指在下,就像自由式一樣(高肘) 。你的手掌向前滑行,然後向外向下在水面30到45度的角度之間入水,入水後,將你的手固定在水面下四到八吋處,以獲得一個較好的抓水點。因為要配合蝶腰打水的節奏,你只有很簡短的時機來執行你的抓水動作。
The Pull: Phase1 推水:第一階段
Move both arms simultaneously in an out-down-back motion, bending your elbows slightly and rotating your arms from the shoulders. At the end of Phase 1, your forearms should be vertical, and your palms should face back toward your feet, no wider than shoulder-width apart.
The Pull: Phase2 推水:第二階段
Now you’re ready for the acceleration, or power, phase of your pull. Bring your hands together under your stomach so your elbows bend at a 90-degree angle. Then force your hands outward and back toward your feet. Continue forcing water behind you until your arms are almost fully extended and your hands are at a point just past your hips. Since this is where your shoulders begin to emerge from the water, it’s an ideal time to breathe.
The Recovery 恢復
As your hands emerge from the water, swing them around to your sides and then in front of you. Your elbows should be higher than your hands and your fingers should just be skimming the water’s surface. When you start your recovery, your hands should trail behind and your elbows should lead your arm swing. Halfway through your recovery, your hands should take over the lead as your forearms extend in front of you just prior to your catch. During the initial phase of your recovery, your arms should be relaxed, but they should move quickly, using the power generated by your upper back and shoulders in acceleration phase of the pull.
當你的手從水中抬起,繞著你的體側將雙手擺到前方。手肘應該高於手掌,手指應該剛好劃過水面。當你開始要回復到划手前動作(流線型) ,用雙肘主導手臂的擺動,你的小手臂應該放鬆順勢拖在後頭。當到復原動作的一半時,你的手掌要接管成為主導,引導你的前臂向前延伸直到你下一次抓水前的動作。在你復原動作的初期,你的手臂應該放鬆,但它們應該快速移動。你加速推水的這個階段,是使用你的上背和肩膀所產生動力。
Leg and Hip Motion 腿和臀部的運動
The kick accounts for at least on-third of your power in the butterfly stroke, so it must be carefully coordinated with your arm motion, breathing and body motion.
The dolphin kick – a wavelike two-beat kick in which your legs move up and down in tandem – is designed to push still columns of water behind you quickly and forcefully. During the downbeat, thrust your hips upward so your buttocks can break the water’s surface. During the upbeat of the kick, thrust your hips downward. This is what will give you the powerful, undulating motion that gets your entire body into the stroke, not just your limbs.
海豚打水 --- 兩拍式的雙腿如波浪上下起伏打水-- 這種設計是為了要快速又強有力的將靜止的水柱推向你的後頭。向下打水時,是把臀部推向上,所以此時屁股會跑出水面。向上打水的時候,要把臀部往下推。這就是蝶泳的動力來源,波浪式的運動會迫使你用全身來游蝶泳,而不是只用四肢. 。
TIP Keeping your feet point on the downbeat of your kick will help you direct water backward, not downward, and will help you sustain the undulation that began in your hips.

Butterfly Breathing 蝶泳換氣
Head Position 頭部位置
Keep your face shallow in the water at all times. Novices usually push their heads down in an effort to raise their hips and legs. This reduces their ability to generate power by pushing their shoulders down, and it forces them to rise back up in order to breathe. The resulting up-and-down motion impedes forward movement. Instead, the hips should be raised to transfer weight to the chest area.
TIP to integrate breathing into your butterfly motion, inhale at the completion of your arm stroke, so your mouth clears the water as your arms recover. To put the whole stroke together, swim in the following sequence: catch-and-kick, pull-and-kick, inhale-and-recover, catch-and-kick, pull-and-kick, inhale-and-recover.
